Wednesday 18 May 2011

London Marathon 2011

Last month I took part in my first marathon. I grew up in London and it has always been a childhood dream of mine to run this marathon, so imagine my ecstasy when I opened up my acceptance letter! As anyone knows who applies, results of the ballot come out in October after the registration from a few months earlier (April). I had completely forgot that the result was due out as I was recovering from a broken foot. Breaking my foot had meant that I had to build up my calf muscle again and gain flexibility back into my foot. Having one leg look smaller than the other one was tough to stare at each day. But now having the marathon to focus on, all systems were go to get me to that start line !!

Broken foot getting a new cast put on:

Getting into the marathon was the catalyst to stop feeling sorry for myself and finally get back into shape. Christmas came and I had a general good level of fitness but no where near my best. Then New Years Eve came and I was struck down by flu!! Everything I had worked from October through to the end of December had been wiped out. This was a huge blow. It took 3 weeks to recover from flu. I can honestly say having flu is the most horrendous illness I have been through. So I had to build up my fitness yet again towards the end of January. I knew cardio is easier to get back than strength so that gave me some hope.

One of my many running magazines were gearing up to the marathon too so I had plenty of training programmes to choose from. After carefully picking one that was right for me, I set about with my training. It did not occur to me how training for a marathon takes over your life. I didn't socialise with friends as much as I normally did or wanted, I detoxed from everything fatty (not that I eat lots of junk food anyway). I gave up caffeine as it strips the blood of iron, a really important vitamin for running. I gave up alcohol too. My body was to be pure all throughout the training.

Training went well. Who knew there are so many early bird runners?! and late ones too. Most of my runs were done in the evenings and my longest runs on Sundays. One thing always occurred to me during my runs. The majority of runners wouldn't smile back at me. I find this strangely bizarre as we'll all in the same boat but I guess that is just the British culture. Four weeks before the big day and two weeks before tapering, I went too hard in a training session and buggered my hamstring. I undertook several sports massages to get the muscle as much repaired as possible but knew I wouldn't be fully fit when it came to the big day. Carb loading was deffo fun at first, then it got sickly !! But needs were a must !!

The marathon itself was beyond my expectations and indescribable. I got emotional shuffling up to the start line. Then once again when I reached the Embankment and at Big Ben. I knew I was on the verge on achieving a dream. Something that I never thought was possible. My body was in a different world to my mind yet still connected through the pain. My recent hamstring injury had flared up at the halfway point and in a flash my body stopped running and I was now limping very badly. I knew my leg was hurting but training my mind to push through pain had meant I didn't stop when I felt something. I was determined to continue, there was no way I was pulling to one side and quitting. Crossing that finish line and then being processed by the amazing staff were parts that I won't forget. The medal weighed heavier than I thought but equally as nice !! The time wasn't what I wanted due to my injury but upon reflection, I really didn't care. I did it !!

After the race, I have never felt more proud to be a Londoner. I know London can be a scary place for some people but on race day, so many people turned out. One thing I would recommend to any runner doing this or other marathons, get your name printed on your top. Having strangers shout out your name and encouragement really does keep you going. The crowds cheered for everyone, one guy even offered me a pint!! I kindly declined.

A great day !!