Sunday 25 September 2011


Posture affects all of us. From the small things like sitting in a chair to standing at the bus stop.

The essence of this blog entry is to stress the importance of strengthening our cores. If you’re one of those people who work out and don’t know what I’m referring to, shame on you! To others who don’t work out or even those who do the odd exercise every now and again, this is a fundamental part of your health.

Training your core isn’t mind boggling, you don’t have to use equipment or attend a Pilates class. The core is mostly referred to as our abs and lower back muscles but as a whole it encompasses lower and upper body. When worked together they help to stabilise and support the spine. For anyone serious about their fitness/performance or just wanting to live healthy, building a strong core will get you there.

Our backs are fundamental to everything we do. Think how many times you slouch on a chair at work, how you sit on the sofa, over time these bad habits creep up on us and we end up at the doctors or whinging to our friends about back pain. Building strong back muscles will help reduce lower back pain and prevent any further damage.

Our core helps us stand upright, improve our balance and increase strength to our workouts. I recently attended a gig and was standing up the whole time with a bag on my back. Half way in I was reminded (by my back) that I wasn’t standing properly. I promptly took my bag off, rolled my shoulders back and stood strong. Being 26 years old and having back pain ages me too quickly! The same applies to the rest of us. A weak core means that other muscles will pick up the slack created and imbalance can occur. This in turn will most certainly mean injuries. *sighs* no injuries I hear you cry. It’s time to pay attention to our cores and getting them strong.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Trust is inevitable in fitness. A lesson I have only just discovered.

Whilst I am still undergoing physio for my knee, I have had a change of physiotherapist. This has unsettled me more than I would like. My physio before, Zoe, was nice, funny, she gave me great advice, put me through my paces and the most important part was I trusted her. But her placement finished and so the need for someone else to take over. Now I have Louise who appears nice but her advice somewhat contridicted what Zoe had told me and I feel at a loss. Have I just taken a few steps back? How can two physiotherapists have a different opinion treating the same injury?

I left my physio session feeling very unhappy. I didn't feel as though I had been worked over with the new physio. The fact of the matter is, I don't trust Louise yet. I'm sure we'll build a rapore and the trust will come but at the moment it's not there. Plus with three weeks to go till I next her, the trust isn't going to come as quick as first time round with Zoe.

We place trust in ourselves to recognise when something is wrong. We trust that the physio will do what is best for us to get us where we need to be. We trust that when we push our bodies we won't injure ourselves. We trust that our bodies will do what we're training it to do. That last part isn't specific to fitness. We trust our bodies to fight off viruses. We trust our bodies to expel the fatty foods we have consumed and so on. If along the way that trust has decreased then sound the alarm cause this needs fixing.

I need to have faith that this new physio knows what she is banging on about. With that faith, trust will soon follow. Or so I'm hoping. I have a photo of myself from last year that constantly reminds me how my body was in tip top shape. My aim is to surpass that. Injuries can be frustrating and demoralising. I'm in a slump at the moment with physio and not being able to do what I would like with my body. The fact remains, if I don't trust the exercises that my new physio has given me I can't move forward. This is a fate that is much worse.

Friday 2 September 2011

Injuries - yes you can!

So I've been ill recently and it is preventing me from running in prep for my half marathon that is less than 5 weeks away. But it got me thinking about injuries and how people use these injuries to hide behind to prevent them from exercising.

Injuries can make people stay rooted to their sofas and we before they know it... here comes the weight gain! But if you take exercise out of the equation and your nutrition is spot on then weight gain shouldn't happen. If you are putting enough calories in your body that you can burn off without exercise (Base Metabolic Rate) then weight gain will be harder. A great way to keep track of your calories is to download a calorie app. I've recently got one and my life is made so much easier. No more counting! There are other benefits too to having one. My app keeps track of what exercise I do, calculates counts how many calories I lose, a food diary, a diet calendar, weight tracker, recipes, how much of my RDI I have left and even has popular supermarkets and restaurants foods too. I'm sitting here wondering how have I coped without one! Number one rule for weight loss, count your calories. Even more important when you're injured.

Exercise is a great asset for better sleep, helps fights off depression and other health scares. There are so many benefits to exercise. General rule of thumb is, if you are injured lower half of body then work out the upper body and vice versa. If you are suffering an impact issue then do weights, yoga to improve your core or even swim.

The fact of the matter is, there is an alternative when you are injured. Don't hide behind not working out when injured and then have the nerve to complain about weight gain during your injury.

But if you are injured, you can still exercise. The Internet is a world of opportunity to grab a recovery programme for your injury or even see a specialist to put together a programme for you. The fact of the matter is, don't drift from your goals. Like any sports star who is hampered, learn to adapt to change and set yourself with the mindset that you will improve and not step back during the injury process. Injuries can be frustrating, especially long term ones like a broken foot. I know all about that one! But hang in there, do your homework and continue on the path.

As for me, well I've got a head cold that has now spread to my ear and so I am at a no go with any form of exercise. Any head illness generally does prevent you from working out.